Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mr. Lamb

This is Mr. Lamb.  If you know Truman (or have read this blog in the past), you know he is very loyal to one toy at a time.  We said goodbye to Little Lamb last year and have now moved on to Mr. Lamb.  We call him Mr. Lamb because he's a lot bigger than most of Truman's toys, and especially bigger than his previous lambs.  Don't worry, Truman doesn't judge his friends based on size! ;)

When Ellie was visiting a little while ago, she never stepped foot into her bed.  Truman, however, made himself quite at home!  Of course, Mr. Lamb had to join him.

And here he is loving Mr. Lamb in yet another room in our house.  He seriously doesn't go long without him.  If you ever can't find Truman, he's either doing something naughty, or in the exact position you see him above.  He looooves his Mr. Lamb!  Thanks, Kimmer & Joseph, for the best Christmas present ever!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet Truman. Loyalty is such a charming
    Trait in a man. :-))
