Wednesday, April 29, 2009

They're HERE!!!!

I know my loyal readers (thanks, Mandy & Molly) have been anxiously awaiting the big news. No, we're not giving Harry and Tru a sibling, and no they don't get to come to work with me (although these are both great ideas)!!!

Truman and Harrison have arrived.

They're famous!!! At least, at WPS ;) Thanks to our fabulous amazing spectacular and creative art teacher, Cindy Nance, the pups have been immortalized. Here are the fantastic adorable inspiring and absolutely perfect paintings of my babies.

El Diablito (aka Truman)

El Angelito (aka Harrison)

If you, too, just HAVE to have one of your own lovely delightful whimsical and charming paintings (like I did when I saw her paintings of my coworker's pugs), shoot her an email at Thanks again, Cindy Nance!!!


  1. finally, i can sleep knowing what the big surprise was! ;) Those are AWESOME. Soooo cute, she did a great job!!

  2. those pics are awesome! murphy and jesus are jealous that harrison and truman have been immortalized. i told my dogs to get jobs to pay for the pics if they must have them. we're in a recession. my dogs aren't getting any handouts from me! :-)

  3. Too Cute! I have to share this with the six year old tomorrow, she will love them. Especially the nicknames "El Diablito & El Angelito" I am sure it will remind her of the words in her favorite series "Skippy Jon Jones"

  4. How cute are those?!! Love this idea!

    However, I was holding out hope that they would be getting a new (human) sibling.

    Love your blog!

