Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is this stuff?

Harry enjoyed his first step in the snow today!  He's been waiting a long time for this.  He wasn't quite sure what to do, and he ran back to me as soon as I let him out!  I think he was motivated by watching his big brother, and he eventually worked up the nerve to check it out.
Still a little unsure...

Our fearless explorer...

Truman, on the other hand, had no fear!  I think he must have remembered his first big snow (more like an ice storm) way back in 2007.  Ahh, that was a great 3 days off of school! =)

Look how tiny and cute he was!  And look how young yet still tired I appear! =/

And now I'm off to enjoy a long evening at home followed by a 2 hour sleep-in!!!  =) =) =)

1 comment:

  1. I thought that was a picture of you now. You haven't aged a bit my friend. Hope Kindergarten is going great!
